Vampires and Werewolves

So I haven't blogged FOREVER! Facebook has been eating up my veg-in-front-of-the-computer time. Its addicting. I'll admit it.

So I decided to blog tonight before I go to bed, but I really can't think of anything to say other than this silly thing that happened today:

I've been reading the Twilight series over the last month and I'm just starting the final book. (LOVING it by the way, although my husband thinks I'm silly.) And I'm sitting tonight at Thing One's Blue and Gold banquet for Boy Scouts and they said something about the "Law of the Pack" or something like that. And my brain immediately thought of the werewolf pack in the books, not a cub scout pack. It took me a second to realize what they were talking about... (Silly, I know, but that's all I had to blog about today.) LOL

Gotta go read a chapter before I hit the sack!


Jessica Sanders said...

Agree, facebook is so addicting. I am catching up on all the blog reading today and yours is the 2nd one that mentions FB. The other one says in short "Dear Blog, I've bet someone else, Facebook. I am sorry, maybe we could still be friends."

My Darling Family

My Darling Family
I love them oodles and gobs!