
Mar 08

Do you ever have days that you should be super productive and yet you aren't? I'm having one of those weeks. Lots to do and not a lot of desire to get it done. Its not that I don't have the time or means to do them...I just don't want to. I think I'll go read a book. :)

Uncool House

Mar 04

Its been a long time since I've blogged. I know. But something happened this week that I had to share. Talmage was having a fit because our house is "SO BORING". He always says this so Ryan made him sit down and write list of 25 things that would make our house more fun.

Here is what my "think big" child wrote down:

1. A huge playground
2. More Wii Time (We took the Wii away a little while ago because that's all he wanted to do and we limited his time on it. This regularly made him mad so it disappeared.)
3. A puppy (uh...let me think about that...NO!)
4. An indoor basketball court
5. A bouncy trampoline (ours died when we took it down for the bounce left)
6. More computer time
7. A secret inventor's shop
8. Better legos (...weird...he's picked out almost every set he has...)
9. More toys (says the boy who only wants Legos)
10. An Art studio
11. A new bike
12. A swimming pool
13. Hot tub
14. Zip line
15. Hammock
16. Better movie selection (LOL we have hundreds!)
17. A Nintendo DS
18. Club Penguin account
19. A train running though the walls
20. Bigger backyard
21. A secret pathway to Daniel's house
22. More "lateovers"
23. Start having sleepovers
24. A room full of trampolines
25. A huge library

Hmmm....most of those aren't realistic and the other half are things that he know won't fly with me. Guess we'll be "the boring house" for a long time to come.

Oy! I'm finally back.

May 12

So its been a long time since I last posted. Life has been crazy busy. The month of April is completely devoted to youth theater. I have rehearsal every day and I spend the bulk of the day preparing for rehearsal (including cleaning house so the babysitter doesn't see what April truly does to my home).

Then the first part of May is spent recovering from April. I'm almost recovered and almost caught up now. I can't wait for the day where I feel like I have nothing that HAS to be done today. Maybe someday that will happen.

I am ready to get back to playing, cooking, couponing, and the rest of my life.

Speaking of couponing, I had one great shopping trip last week I had to brag about. It was a trip to Rite-Aid (where I only shop when I have screaming deals to catch). I bought 8 bottles of Vitamin Water and $40 worth of Cover Girl makeup. I paid $0.48. Gotta love a deal!!

For Mother's Day I got one of these bad boys:This may look like a cute purse or tote to you but it is a coupon binder in disguise. This baby opens up flat and stores all my coupons. I'm in the process of transitioning all my coupons. It is taking forever, but I think I will really like this new system. Coupon Nerd is going shopping in style.

Who says that coupons are just for groceries?

Mar 31

Went to Toys R Us today with coupons in tow. I bought:

Operation (the game)
Sorry Sliders (another game, new version of Sorry)
Connect Four
6 2-packs of Mini My Little Ponies

If I had purchased everything at full price, I would have paid $88.91. But I don't pay full price if I can help it. Instead, I got everything for $8.46. Now that's bargain shopping.

Rite Aid Bargain

Mar 22

So Rite Aid likes me so much that they pay me to shop there. That's right, they pay me.

So over this last month, I worked on this rebate deal they had going on at Rite Aid. You had to spend $50 on a list of specific products and they'd give you $25 back. Well, right away, everything is 50% off. But the $50 you have to spend is BEFORE coupons are applied. (hehehe)

So this is what I bought:

2 boxes of Benadryl
1 Visine eye drops
2 Neosporin
1 Sudafed
2 Baby lotions (BIG ones)
3 boxes of Band-Aids
1 roll of first aid bandaging

This would have cost $51.69, but I paid $7.49. And then I get $25 back. So Rite-Aid is paying me $17.31 to take these items out of their store. Cool!

My Darling Family

My Darling Family
I love them oodles and gobs!