Auto Pilot

So I've got this new exercise plan going on around here. I get up every morning at 6:00 to exercise. I've been doing this 6 days a week for 11 weeks now and I haven't missed a day. Sunday is my day of rest, so that's my one day to "sleep in." (Well sleep in as much as you can with 3 kids who wake up early and a hubby with early Sunday morning meetings.)

Each morning, I do the very same thing. I wake up, go to the bathroom, change into my workout clothes, eat my pre-workout snack and start my exercising.

As many of you may know, I'm NOT a morning person. I'd rather stay up until 3:00 AM and sleep until noon. But the only way I could consistently get my work-out in was to get up in the morning. Some weeks are harder than others to get up because I'm not so good about going to bed on a decent time. Midnight is normal. Well, this past week, midnight has been early because I have so much going on. And I've been SO tired. In fact, last night I decided to go to bed at 10:00PM...completely unheard of. But I was tired.

Well this morning, I got up, went to the bathroom, changed my clothes and was in the process of making my pre-workout snack when Ryan came upstairs from the office. I wondered why in the world he was up at 6:00. When I looked at the clock I realized it was midnight, not 6:00. Apparently, I got up to go to the bathroom and my body went into auto pilot mode. I just got going for the day. Apparently the fact that I had only been asleep for 2 hours didn't trigger as too little sleep, since I haven't been getting much lately.

I was so bugged that I was awake when I didn't have to be. I threw my food in a baggie, took off my tennis shoes, and crawled back into bed with my work out clothes on. I was instantly asleep and this time I slept until my alarm went off at 6:00. Blasted auto pilot mode.

Sadly, this isn't the fist time I've done this. The last time I got up at 3 AM. Grrr.


-Laura said...

That is hilarious! I am most impressed by your consistency though!

Em said...

Hey - it's paying off! You look great!!!

My Darling Family

My Darling Family
I love them oodles and gobs!