Challenge Update

So just a quick update on the challenge. I need to total how much I've spent so far this month, but I think I'm at about $45, and I'm half way there. The funny thing is that most of it has been stuff that we didn't really need yet, but I could get it for such a great price that I was willing to sacrifice some of my $100 to buy it.

This was totally the case when I went to the store on Friday night. Here is a picture of all the stuff I bought:

Here's the best part. It was $57.76 worth of groceries but I paid $0.79 for all of it. Yes, I walked away with a grocery cart full of food and paid less than a dollar. Here's the receipt to prove it:

The cashier seemed to be bugged that I got so much for so little -- like it was coming out of his pay check or something. When he told me the final price, I said, "FOR REAL?! That's SO cool." And he responded, "Uh, ya." Well, I was excited!


Crissa Pollmann Robertson said...

Just in case you thought I was joking at church, I was serious. Tell me which coupons to cut and when to meet you at the store. I have got to get some food storage! I am pretty sure Adam would not appreciate eating Nutrasystem in a disaster :)

My Darling Family

My Darling Family
I love them oodles and gobs!