Kylie is so cute!

Two things happened this week with Thing 2 that I wanted to share...

1. Ryan was helping me fix dinner and Kylie came in and said she wanted to talk to him. She took his hand and led him into the living room where they sat down on the couch.

Kylie: “You know what?”

Ryan: “What?”

Kylie: “If you weren’t married and you were in college again and I was in college…I’d pick you.”

(Ryan's heart begins to melt.)

Me: “Hey, he’s taken! Back off, sista!”

Kylie: (lots of giggling)

2. When I do Molly's hair in the morning, she is pretty feisty so I try to distract her. We usually sing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" and I pause in the song so she can pick the animal. Normally she picks animals like a cow, pig, sheep, horse, etc...the norm. Then the other day she started picking things like a turtle and a dolphin. Well, what do those animals say? I told her I didn't know what a turtle said, and Kylie chimed in and said that a turtle said, "slow, slow". So we sang the song accordingly.

Well Molly has continued this game with Kylie, coming up with random things to be on the farm and Kylie decides what those animals say. Yesterday, when the time came to pick her animal, Molly said "toilet". What? I just looked at her, completely stumped. But Kylie chimed right in, "with a flush, flush here and a flush, flush there..."


My Darling Family

My Darling Family
I love them oodles and gobs!